A five episode audio adventure series following three siblings as they undertake a cross-country road trip to avert the oncoming apocalypse and reckon with their father. 

Producer • Director • Video & Audio Editor

promotional poster 2
promotional poster 2
promotional poster 5
promotional poster 5
promotional poster 3
promotional poster 3
promotional poster 4
promotional poster 4
promotional poster 1
promotional poster 1
A road trip to save the world official logo
A road trip to save the world official logo
Save the world triangular traffic sign
Save the world triangular traffic sign
Yield to oncoming siblings traffic sign
Yield to oncoming siblings traffic sign
A Road Trip to Save the World is a Capstone project created for the IUPUI Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering Media Arts & Science program (formerly SOIC). The capstone is a project which acts as a synthesis of everything the student has learned and achieved during their time in the program. 
Due to COVID-19, I knew I would be unable to make a video, so I decided to make an audio drama instead, since the talent would be able to record their voice lines remotely. I held auditions in the beginning of 2020 via Zoom and then selected my talent from the auditioning pool. 
At this time, I had already finished a script re-write. The script was originally used in an independent study, which I decided to pursue as my capstone. I met with the voice actors and actresses via Zoom to coach them on their lines while they recorded. 
Afterwards, I took all of the voice files and began editing. I made my own Foley sound effects with a Zoom H4N recorder and my own music using Garage Band publicly available loops. Other SFX were found on free sound effect site freesound.org. 
This was the biggest, most ambitious project I had accomplished at the time. It took a year of production and prep work to make it and I am very proud of it, despite the story being a wacky one. 
Fun fact, my younger sister plays Spring LaPointe. 

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