Space Bound is a mock site series designed via Shopify to help clients identify their eCommerce needs. Designed for ScreenBroidery.
ScreenBroidery hired me for three months as a New Media Designer, where I worked with the eCommerce team to customize online stores for clients big and small. During my time with the company, I created Space Bound, a mock site series designed to help clients identify their eCommerce needs. 
Space Bound was my very first project in Shopify after working in the site sandbox for some time. I began by playing in the sandbox to learn the functions. Eventually, I created these mock sites for use by the eCommerce team. I created three basic sites with testable functionality with different levels of creative customizability: Corporate, Fresh, and Bold. 
The art team at ScreenBroidery created an amazing logo based on my rocket ship concept and then we were off to the stars. 
This was my first time using the Shopify platform. Space Bound got its name because I was adding science fiction products to the sandbox site and playing with a sci-fi theme. I eventually evolved this into the official Space Bound aesthetic and overall theme. 
The Space Bound mock site series helped ScreenBroidery to create 4 eCommerce sites during my time with them and reduce the turnaround time of a new site to 2 weeks. 
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